Sunday, 13 June 2010

Scroll through the picture bar for the "Port Alice Bike Race" (sorry the embed function isn't working)

Yup, this was our weekend :) Team Pringle (Pro City Racing) and Dyck (Trek Canada) had our 15 secs of fame..hehe....and a really fun hard saturday ride.

Island Cup finals were in Port Alice this past weekend.....far north island. Neither Regan and I had been up that far, so it was a pretty neat adventure. So beautiful...and the most amazing and hard xc course...gnarly steep climb with super fast fun downhill. It was a lot of driving in one day, but the course and the amazing salmon dinner after (how could a fresh salmon dinner from a small coastal community ever be bad) was definitely worth it.

Regan had his first win!!!!!!! Sweet!! And I took the Island Cup overall, being the only elite woman to of one baby!

No matter how many big races like the World Cups, US Cups and Canada Cups that I do, I always love having the opportunity to go out and ride these really cool local races where you get such a wide variety of people (guys in dress shirts and knee pads), wide variety of abilities (11 year old girls in jeans and a luge helmet), and wide variety of activities (custom funny bikes that I was told were later used for fire burning). Grassroots is where it's at!

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