Saturday 21 January 2012

I'm Back!!!!!

Well, almost...once I get done my work term up here in Fort McMurray, watch out I tell you. Just finished my first "workout" that consisted of intervals that raised my heart rate higher then just endurance pace!! It felt really good...and really bad all at the same time.....being a little out of shape doesn't help with the feeling bad, but hey, got to start somewhere.

Skiing, running and trainer intervals all in the same week....yup!

Quick update on recovery:
Hernia...I was 6 weeks on monday, so I'm officially allowed to lift heavy objects and exert myself. Things are feeling good, it's still a little sore and a little stiff, but starting a little core work to build up my strength and stability again.

Shoulder - well, it's going a lot slower then I'd really like it to. Trying to get into to get either an MRI or an Ultrasound is proving to be a lot harder then I was hoping. Doing some strength exercises are definitely helping, but I am still getting the "I'm going to throw up pain" when I forget and move it too quickly or too far. I found as long as I don't fall, I'm comfortable XC skiing.

Sponsorship side of, I really am not very good at this. Some people just have the right words and the right contacts and the right....I don't know. But yes, right now I currently don't have a bike or a full on plan for the 2012 season. But I don't give up that easily!!

That's all for now....when I'm done with all my trainer sessions up north out, I'm going to be an animal!!!!!! Just about done my first 3 week rotation, really excited to go home from the cold snow to the cold rain for a week :-)

1 comment:

Michelle Cordy said...

Glad you are feeling better. I think your raced like a champ at Nats in Toronto with your shoulder. Take care.