photo courtesy Dave Mclellan
Thanks Regan for the gentle nudge to get out and enjoy my 2nd ever Thursday Night Ride (TNR). I hadn't even thought of doing it, but it was a given that Regan was going to do it....I did tell him not to come home till he'd done at least a 3 hour ride :-) When he mentioned that I should come do it, I was like, hey, YAAAA, that's a great way to get in shape!!!
18 guys and me left the usual front yard and headed up the usual Cairn to hit some of the greasiest gnarly trail right in town. After 2 months off the mountain bike, I was a little sketched out to say the least...but the view at the top was worth it. Pink and blue pillows, overtop the mountains and the ocean...stunning if I do say so myself.
From there was headed through Esquimalt and out to towards Thetis Lake and some really great trails to ride in the dark when no one is out there......and there wasn't a cloud in the sky once things got dark. Winding through Thetis Lake, over to Francis King (which I cleaned a section of downhill that I've never had the balls to even try in the day time...funny what you'll do when you can't really see very well ;-), up to the Dump and out Executive, it ended up being a solid 2 hours of trail. Once we hit Interurban the pace picked up and we strung out in a beautiful mountain biker paceline.
I was feel pretty strong at this point and figured....."Hehehe, if I catch them buy surprise...maybe I can make these men suffer a little!!!" I know, that's what every woman thinks right...haha. I had to laugh when Robby yelled "You're pulling 400 lbs up this hill!"
The pack regrouped at the red light on the Goose by Tillicum Road. I look over and Carter Hovey gives me the '"wink...hmmm, what does the "wink" mean?? I'm gonna pull for you, or you gonna pull for me...haha. Light turns green...okay, I'm gonna I hammer out and pull the pack as hard and as long as I can. Just as I'm starting to blow to pieces, Regan pulls by and tears the legs off of everyone. I've got nothing left, can't grab any of the wheels that pass me....then Carter comes up behind and gives me a little push saying "You're gonna win this one!!" Oh, that's what the wink He gets me back up to speed to grab a wheel, but that's for it!!!! Good sprint to the end guys, I'll leave that to you....for now.
Back at the clubhouse for a few tails and a quick beer, thank you Dave McLellan for the Phillips Chocolate Porter!!!! Clean the bikes at
Pro City on the way home, then shower and wait for the pizza! Ya, nice little indulgence after an awesome night ride!